I consider myself a Democrat. Been called a Socialist. Definitely a bleeding heart liberal.

As a child from a traditional southern family, playing Barrel of Monkeys on the floor, church every Sunday, doing well in public school, learning a trade; in every sense privileged .........

Comfortable in middle age, an avid news reader, on learning the tragic story of a full grown chimpanzee destroying the face of a woman who offered a toy, only trying to help it's owner coax her surrogate child back into his cage......

Today being confrontational, ribald, offensive, restless, rebellious.......

How did I get here from there?

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Friday, December 10, 2010

LSU-SVM 1987

While doing the elective surgeries such as spays, neuters, declaws;  know I shouldn't be having any non-essential conversations with the technician monitoring the anesthesia.  
 So common sense,  it bothers me that , as a veterinarian who's not questioning being ultimately responsible for his patients care, enjoys, even encourages an act he believes everyone know to be wrong as well as, should anything go wrong causing harm to a patient,  it would be me,  as the veterinarian, held responsible for allowing the conversations.  That's true.  Anyone with common sense would know that. 

Knowing full well that by telling you:
"Common sense or not,  if you are not a Veterinarian, does not matter the reason a patient was harm, although criminal charges possible if a crime suspected. Only the Veterinarian can be held responsible to the client for all harm to any patient while under his care. 

To not do so, it is not common sense to "See no Evil, Hear no Evil", Speak no Evil, but through paying attention observation,  observation  to believe

"Why?"   Pretty much doesn't require much concentration; same repetitive motions surgery after surgery.  At least at hospitals requiring a second person monitoring the anesthesia  all surgeries, as I do not insist on having one with any surgery pretty routine  Don't really ever recall seriously going back and making sure everything was done correctly.   Pretty much trust  would have that gut wrenching "typo" feeling you get when .... well.... type a "typo" had I done anything wrong. 

Did have a lady once accuse me of not neutering her cat and wanted her money back.    Of course the complaint, like just about all of them, had been confirmed by another vet at a different hospital.  We pulled her chart and yes I did supposedly neuter a cat of hers.  We pulled the surgery log, and yes, logged in my own handwriting me twice claiming I neutered that same cat.  She persisted, so we had her have the other vet's office fax over a copy of their records showing that I had not neutered that lady's cat.  

All the record showed was;

Presenting complaint: 
     Peed on couch

      Inappropriate Urination

Client Education:
      Normal behavior for healthy intact male cat,  Neuter ASAP

Not only were we not given a chance to diagnose the cause of  the inappropriate urination,  nor the reason she went to the other hospital to begin with;  she wasn't complaining,  even suspicious after the cat peed on her couch.  Only after being told the cat was not neutered.

    She got her money back; even when pointing out the words  used describing the color of the same cat between the two different hospitals did not match.  Although not necessarily two different cats, choice of wording at both hospitals were her own. 

Wasn't worth the hassle for the amount of her refund after that point.  She didn't even try to get a new couch.

Once, a receptionist with an interest in pursuing veterinary medicine was observing, asking questions.

She asked me if I had any tips, advice on getting into veterinary school.
I told her,
and I was being honest when I answered:

"I still haven't figured out
I got in!"

I went on to explain to her, that  after three years at University of Arkansas, so naive still, when asked during a scored interview, an important part of being considered for admission to Louisiana State University- School of Veterinary Medicine: 

"How much income I expected to make as a veterinarian?"
I was clueless how much veterinarians made.  Really didn't care.  Every veterinarian I knew, not many really, really not even the one I worked for one summer; they all seemed to do well, living comfortably.  That was okay with me.  Never occurred to me it was something I should be thinking about.  Amazed I got accepted with the answer I gave.

My answer:
"Just wanted to make enough to own a nice home and a boat."

That was it.  Certainly wasn't a long interview.  Not even sure if it qualified for a short one.  They didn't even ask how big a boat.  Had they; assume they would have been even more impressed on hearing how small. 

Looking back,
can't help but feel I had a seat guaranteed before that interview; maybe because of my hearing impairment? Maybe the interview wasn't as important as I had thought?  Who knows? That answer should not have earned me any points. 

Then it hit me, an off handed remark made 3 years later in my presence by Dr. Smith, head of the epidemiology department, about my progress through veterinary school being of special interest to a certain faculty member without expanding any further on that statement.  Except for being one of my interviewers, only other memory I have of him is that of an old man with his wife  proudly entertaining us the yearly talent show with their passion for ballroom dancing.  

Damn.  Now I wish I had a video of me with that tall drag queen dance instructor named Pearl. 
It wasn't her fault I was the only one who showed up alone Hoedown that night for waltz lessons.  I tried my best to be her leading man, but it was pretty obvious she was disappointed. 

Couldn't  stop laughing how little her ruffled petite skirt covered.

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