I consider myself a Democrat. Been called a Socialist. Definitely a bleeding heart liberal.

As a child from a traditional southern family, playing Barrel of Monkeys on the floor, church every Sunday, doing well in public school, learning a trade; in every sense privileged .........

Comfortable in middle age, an avid news reader, on learning the tragic story of a full grown chimpanzee destroying the face of a woman who offered a toy, only trying to help it's owner coax her surrogate child back into his cage......

Today being confrontational, ribald, offensive, restless, rebellious.......

How did I get here from there?

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


"Osama, Obama, 
Yo Mama!"
~ brother-in-law ~

(punch line of a joke during the primaries, about a soldier who ran into Chelsea Clinton at the airport...... listing off the only three things that scared him)


Never in my forty-eight years have I heard the President's name used as often as Obama's.  Obama says this....., Obama says that...., Obamacare, etc., etc., etc., as apposed to this administration, the White House, or even the Democratic Party.

  The poor man can't even make a  move without them crying  on cue as if he was conducting an opera.

"He's a Socialist!"  "He's an elitist!" 
"He's a Communist!"  "He's an Arab!"


There is no denying that the name Obama and being first black American President has made the G.O.P.'s  job as the The Party of No much easier.  Don't care if they are foremost Republicans before all else. 

It's still racism;
even if all they did was remain dumb.


Then there is the issue of Obama's faith. 

Couldn't help but see a parallel with Jesus's trial. Obviously, Jesus wasn't convincing enough either.

Have you ever wonder what might have happened had it rained the day of Jesus's trial; just enough people staying home resulting in Jesus life being spared. 

Although his message remained the same, would there even be Christians today without a Crucifixion?

The words and actions of Tea Party members and those who sympathize with the party, strike me as very similar to the behavior of the crowd voting Jesus fate.

Even to the Salem Witch Trials of colonial Massachusetts.


Remember Glenn Beck's Titanic reference? How he would grab the U.S. Constitution, jump into a lifeboat, and be waiting out on the ocean until the panic started?  How he would welcome fellow passengers onto lifeboats after the Titanic sunk?

"When they finally get it, we need to be able to say to each other and say to them — not I told you so, but welcome, brother. Come on, get in the boat."
Positively sure one would have to fit Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin's strict definition of "real Americans" before allowing anyone onto their lifeboats.  But really,  can anyone picture them on the Titanic.....calm and rational.  Probably so hysterical, ended up locked in their rooms.

But as America is  going nowhere (minus land lost to global warming),  more like a  mutiny aboard the U.S.S. AMERICA with the NOBAMA MANIACS  in charge; all else, the PROGRESSIVES, made to walk the plank. 

Considering how liberal biased the media, that would leave us with FOXNews as our only source of news; if even anything to report with Progressives out of the picture.

were to have their way, might as well:
  • rewrite the Constitution replacing "We the people" with "ME, MYSELF, & I" or "MASTURBATORY." 
  • Instead of "Declaration of Independence", call it the "IMMACULATE EJACULATION."  
  • Change the national anthem to "ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR BOAT.

So that's the theme with this years Halloween decorations...... with U.S.S. NOBAMAMANIA being to Republicans as Translyvania is to Count Dracula;  home to life sucking parasites.


'Ejaculation' can also mean 'an utterance'. 

Also trying to play off  of  'nocturnal emission' with my use of 'immaculate ejaculation'.  When you consider the fact  one would just have more nocturnal emissions if they didn't masturbate, how can one take credit for not masturbating if maybe no need to cause of frequent nocturnal emissions. 

Just my sarcastic way of saying , "the things self righteous hypocrites say!" 

Pro Life
Virgin Tim Tebow

"Because of my name recognition and because of who I am, I've been given an opportunity to go places where most other people can't go," Tebow said. "I can go into prisons and speak, and no one will say anything. I can go into schools and speak, and they'll love to have me. I can go to all these different places because of who I am as a football player. That's a platform the Lord has given me, and I think it's my responsibility to take advantage of it."
(So who gets credit for this platform.....Tebow or Tebow's Lord?  What about those babies who's mother aborted them....where was the Lord's platform for them?  What about his mother's sacrifice when she took up temporary residence away from home just so he could play football at a school with a coach more favorable his playing style.)~
"It's up to you. No matter how bad your life has been, eternity can be great. It's not how you start, fellas, it's how you finish."
(start, finish, eternity....start, finish, eternity...?  Am I missing something here.  Not to mention...where one finishes depends a lot on where one started.)

"Love it when I'm told I can't do something."

(Until there is sport where women have an equal opportunity at such a platform to "take advantage of it," Tebow is just another man muscling his opinion onto the bodies of women resisting with their opinion. That's still rape.)

Missing a Link
Christine O'Donnell
IQ < Monkey

"It's really funny the way that the media reports things. After that debate my team and I we were literally high fiving each other thinking that we had exposed [that Democratic candidate Chris Coons] doesn't know the First Amendment, and then when we read the reports that said the opposite we were all like 'what?'"
(Republican candidate for Senate in Delaware, defending her remarks on the separation between church and state in a recent debate (via ABC News))

"Evolution's a myth!"

"Then why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans?"

"American scientific companies are crossbreeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains."

"I dabbled into witchcraft."

(Not married either. No wonder why.)

"We have god-given sexual desires and we need to understand them and preserve them to be used in god's appropriate context. We need to address sexuality with young people and masturbation is part of sexuality - but it is important to discuss this from a moral point of view...The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery. You can't masturbate without lust!... You're gonna be pleasing each other. And if he already knows what pleases him and he can please himself, then why am I in the picture..."

"AIDS is very quickly becoming the number one killer among teens, next to drinking and driving and drug related accidents. So, we know how to prevent AIDS, and we know how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases: Don't have sex!... Condoms don't work! Condoms fail."
(Don't need her for nocturnal emissions either.  You could say God gave us a hand there.)

"People are created in God's image. Homosexuality is an identity adopted through societal factors. It's an identity disorder."
"By integrating women into particularly military institutes, it cripples the readiness of our defense... And when you have women in that situation, it creates a whole new set of dynamics which are distracting to training these men to kill or be killed."


Rev. Phelps    /    Bishop Long


Till a dead soldier's funeral, no one seemed to notice that Phelps and his small church had been doing this for years.   Even now, it still seems to be, only,  about the funeral of a soldier..... they say is not gay....and not funerals in general.

With DADT,
how can they be so sure the soldier wasn't gay?
Can't help but be left with the impression, had we found out after his death the soldier was indeed a "FAG",   the public would lose interest in the story, and his father's case would not have been heard by the Supreme Court. 


Now compare these "Immaculate Ejaculations" with words from the  dreaded and most fearsome of all creatures,
called many names, but most commonly known as......

"Oh he's ah Muslim!"
Can taste it in the air.  They just-a-dying to use the "N" word.

(Just cannot see the "Hitler" resemblence. Nazi Germany didn't allow gays in the militay either.)

How come no one questions this woman's faith?

(not that I think they should / not like she made a stone of her heart.....I mean .....had a stone in her hand) 

Or the faith of her husband,
"America's First Black President?"
~ same brother-in-law / another joke ~


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