I consider myself a Democrat. Been called a Socialist. Definitely a bleeding heart liberal.

As a child from a traditional southern family, playing Barrel of Monkeys on the floor, church every Sunday, doing well in public school, learning a trade; in every sense privileged .........

Comfortable in middle age, an avid news reader, on learning the tragic story of a full grown chimpanzee destroying the face of a woman who offered a toy, only trying to help it's owner coax her surrogate child back into his cage......

Today being confrontational, ribald, offensive, restless, rebellious.......

How did I get here from there?

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Anglers with giant marlin lose race against clock, miss epic payday

By far the largest marlin, an 800-pound beast, that took five hours to land and was brought to the scale nine minutes past the 9 p.m. deadline, disqualifying a catch that would have netted a team from Texas more than $430,000.
What's more disappointing for Team Great Escape is that if no other team beats that weight during the remainder of the competition -- and marlin that large are rarely caught off Cabo San Lucas -- the catch would have been worth $1 million or more.

"I just want a massage and to go to bed."

Anglers with giant marlin lose race against clock, miss epic payday: "The Bisbee's competition, which attracts anglers from around the world, is in its 30th year and famous for producing drama and controversy.

Epic battles between man and fish have raged long into the darkness. Accusations of cheating have flown, and because of the amount of money involved, winning teams must pass lie-detector tests to determine if all rules were followed. One of many classic stories involved an angler who failed the test, became belligerent and smashed the windows of the hotel that served as tournament headquarters.

First-place prize money varies from year to year, depending on the number of entries and how many side jackpots a winning team has entered. A record check of $2,162,035 was written to the winners in 2008."


"Should be made to eat the whole fish!"
~ Simply Jim ~


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