I consider myself a Democrat. Been called a Socialist. Definitely a bleeding heart liberal.

As a child from a traditional southern family, playing Barrel of Monkeys on the floor, church every Sunday, doing well in public school, learning a trade; in every sense privileged .........

Comfortable in middle age, an avid news reader, on learning the tragic story of a full grown chimpanzee destroying the face of a woman who offered a toy, only trying to help it's owner coax her surrogate child back into his cage......

Today being confrontational, ribald, offensive, restless, rebellious.......

How did I get here from there?

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Thursday, May 13, 2010


My Favorite Republican.......Sissy

Sissy is the wife of the owner of several veterinary clinics who only recently has become involved in the day to day affairs of running his business.  Having worked for Dr. I previously at different clinics, already knew of Sissy, as Dr. I would bring up her name during conversations.  Although nothing said that reflected negatively of her,  our first encounter turned out to be an unexpected  pleasant surprise; one of many to come.....all bubbly, full of energy, fun, and fleeting. 

On this day we met, wasn't until after she left that I realized....I was the only white person working at that hospital......and this was day three.
Toward the end of Bush second term, after reading an article about the conflicts in Afganistan and Iraq, I turned to Sissy sitting at the desk behind me, who  happened to  drop in that day for some office work, and remarked,
"I think we ought to bring all the soldiers home from both wars and send everyone who voted for Bush ...TWICE fight these wars instead!"

She replied,
"WELL.....I....LIKE.... the man!  I VOTED for him....TWICE'!"

I was ....floored,
but not because she voted for him twice.
With a name like 'Sissy', and the amount of hair spray needed, that was a given.
It was how effortlessly,  lacking any hint of remorse or doubt,
the words rolled off her tongue.
Wouldn't surprise me to find out she belonged to a sorority.
At the end of another lively debate,
even closer to the end of Bush term with polls showing a likely defeat of McCain by Obama:
"Behind every successful man is a woman," remarked Sissy.
  Actually agree with her, but knew she wasn't talking about his mother. This was a sore loser taking a swipe at the winning party! 
"Yeah! A younger one," I came close to saying.
Ended up biting my tongue due to some office gossiping.
Would of been more than just a double edge sword; an overkill.
Even I couldn't be that mean.

Throughout Bush's eight years in the white house, will admit to one bright spot....his wife.
Believed she had class that went beyond polite good manners.
A gut feeling.

Although disappointed by Laura's appearing to be a supportive spouse, submissively allowing George's opinions to prevail where they disagreed, as if her opinion was of no value; hard to fault her going with the role of the good wife, a role that often pitting loyalty against moral, for the sake of their marriage.
Since the release of her memoirs,  can't help but smile a little.  Following the same line of reasoning,  Laura's certainly not going to let it be known, for the sake of their marriage....

......she didn't vote for George twice!

Laura Bush, who is promoting her book "Spoken From the Heart," acknowledged that gay marriage was a key social issue in her husband's 2004 reelection campaign. After gay marriage was legalized in Massachusetts, the president endorsed a constitutional amendment that would prohibit it. "I understand his viewpoint," she said. "And he understands mine."

Laura Bush Backs Gay Marriage, Abortion Rights 
Especially given her position as a public figure, I give her a world of credit for talking about all this now; such wounds do not ever heal on their own, and her mea culpa, no matter how belated, reminds us that it's never too late to begin that process:
The Price Laura Bush Paid for

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