I consider myself a Democrat. Been called a Socialist. Definitely a bleeding heart liberal.

As a child from a traditional southern family, playing Barrel of Monkeys on the floor, church every Sunday, doing well in public school, learning a trade; in every sense privileged .........

Comfortable in middle age, an avid news reader, on learning the tragic story of a full grown chimpanzee destroying the face of a woman who offered a toy, only trying to help it's owner coax her surrogate child back into his cage......

Today being confrontational, ribald, offensive, restless, rebellious.......

How did I get here from there?

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

WALK SOFTLY/CARRY A BIG STICK: The Power of Persuasion

L.A. Mayor Dismisses Warning That Arizona Could Cut Off Power Over Boycott

I swear! I've heard this story somewhere before??????

per·sua·sion (pər-swā'zhən)

1.The act of persuading or the state of being persuaded: "The persuasion of a democracy to big changes is at best a slow process" (Harold J. Laski).

2.The ability or power to persuade: "Three foremost aids to persuasion which occur to me are humility, concentration, and gusto" (Marianne Moore).

3.A strongly held opinion; a conviction. See Synonyms at opinion.

4.a.A body of religious beliefs; a religion: worshipers of various persuasions.
b.A party, faction, or group holding to a particular set of ideas or beliefs.

5.Informal Kind; sort: "the place where ... rockers of any gender or persuasion can become megastars" (Christopher John Farley).

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin persuāsiō, persuāsiōn-, from persuāsus, past participle of persuādēre, to persuade; see persuade.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2009 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

The Story
"David" vs. Goliath

"Oh Fiddle!"
"Forget I even brought it up."

"It's like an asteroid is heading toward earth....and nobody wants to talk about it,"
 I remembered reading somewhere.
The effort to "connect- the- dots" is just not going to happen until one cares enough to try.
Like my Mother would say, 
"David, It's COMPLICATED!"

But here's a hint,

"I'm not David!"


Goliath the Toy

Can't help but wonder, if credit was given to the wrong person?
I can see that happening.

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"One thing I like about the Digital age: having the dictionary at my fingertips, how easy it is to look up unfamiliar words as I go along reading." "At least....... until, I played my first game of SCRABBLE on the internet. Wow! I had no idea you could spell so many words with seven letters every time." "Now I feel pressured to catch up!"