Pressure grows for Weiner to resign - "'I wish there was some way I could defend him, but I can't,' Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, told reporters Tuesday. Asked what he would say if Weiner sought advice, Reid smiled and responded: 'I'd tell him to call someone else.'
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, who called for an ethics investigation Monday, released a letter Tuesday detailing her formal request for the inquiry.
Weiner publicly apologized Monday for sending flirtatious messages and images on Facebook and Twitter to six women over the past three years and then denying it for a week."

I consider myself a Democrat. Been called a Socialist. Definitely a bleeding heart liberal.
As a child from a traditional southern family, playing Barrel of Monkeys on the floor, church every Sunday, doing well in public school, learning a trade; in every sense privileged .........
Comfortable in middle age, an avid news reader, on learning the tragic story of a full grown chimpanzee destroying the face of a woman who offered a toy, only trying to help it's owner coax her surrogate child back into his cage......
Today being confrontational, ribald, offensive, restless, rebellious.......
How did I get here from there?

Search This Blog
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
New Mexico billboard accuses woman of having an abortion | Reuters
New Mexico billboard accuses woman of having an abortion Reuters: "According to Holmes, when Fultz and his girlfriend, who was then 18, found out they were going to have a baby, she wanted to get married. Fultz refused, Holmes said, and during a church camping trip there was a 'discussion about an ultimatum. Either you marry me or I'm not going to have this baby type of thing.'"
Monday, May 23, 2011
Married... with Children - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Married... with Children - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The show follows the lives of Al Bundy, a once-glorious high school football player (who scored four touchdowns in a single game for Polk High School) turned hard luck salesman of women's shoes; his tartish, obnoxious wife Peg; their attractive but dimwitted and sexually promiscuous daughter Kelly; and Bud, their unpopular, girl crazy, oily but comparatively smart son (and the only Bundy who ever attended college). Their neighbors are the upwardly mobile Steve Rhoades and his wife Marcy, who later gets remarried to Jefferson D'Arcy, a white-collar criminal who becomes Marcy's 'trophy husband' and Al's sidekick. Most storylines involve a scheming Al being foiled by his cartoonish dim wit and bad luck. His rivalry and loathing for Marcy play a significant role in most episodes."
Thursday, May 19, 2011
CDC Warns Public to Prepare for 'Zombie Apocalypse' -
CDC Warns Public to Prepare for 'Zombie Apocalypse' - "'It's kind of a tongue-in-cheek campaign,' Daigle said Wednesday. 'We were talking about hurricane preparedness and someone bemoaned that we kept putting out the same messages.'
While metrics for the post are not yet available, Daigle said it has become the most popular CDC blog entry in just two days.
'People are so tuned into zombies,' he said. 'People are really dialed in on zombies. The idea is we're reaching an audience or a segment we'd never reach with typical messages.'"
While metrics for the post are not yet available, Daigle said it has become the most popular CDC blog entry in just two days.
'People are so tuned into zombies,' he said. 'People are really dialed in on zombies. The idea is we're reaching an audience or a segment we'd never reach with typical messages.'"
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Bin Laden’s Death Won’t End Toll on Taxpayers - Bloomberg
Bin Laden’s Death Won’t End Toll on Taxpayers - Bloomberg: "Along with the dollars-and-cents toll, bin Laden has left behind a less quantifiable imprint on American life. Thousands of families have suffered grievous loss from the Sept. 11 attacks and the two wars. U.S. government buildings in Washington and around the world have grown to resemble fortified bunkers. And the line between government power and individual liberty was redrawn as agencies gained new powers to combat a novel threat."
Bin Laden’s Death Won’t End Toll on Taxpayers - Bloomberg
Bin Laden’s Death Won’t End Toll on Taxpayers - Bloomberg: "Along with the dollars-and-cents toll, bin Laden has left behind a less quantifiable imprint on American life. Thousands of families have suffered grievous loss from the Sept. 11 attacks and the two wars. U.S. government buildings in Washington and around the world have grown to resemble fortified bunkers. And the line between government power and individual liberty was redrawn as agencies gained new powers to combat a novel threat."
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
What We Can Learn from the Schwarzenegger-Shriver Split – TIME Healthland
What We Can Learn from the Schwarzenegger-Shriver Split – TIME Healthland: "This is particularly true for wives, says Steve Stosny, therapist and author of Love Without Hurt. 'The husband typically withdraws from the grieving or ailing wife, making her feel isolated in a time of vulnerability,' he says. 'Once she recovers on her own, she sees no point to the relationship where the man has just proven to her that he won't be there for her when she most needs him.'
As a rule, men prefer to deal with stress differently, in isolation. Sharing it makes them feel inadequate as protectors, as, says Stosny, does a wife's long-term grief. 'Men in general cannot bear to see their wives distressed or depressed, especially when it goes on for a while,' he says. 'They can handle short-term, acute problems where they can respond like heroes, but over the long haul, they are not so good at nursing.'"
As a rule, men prefer to deal with stress differently, in isolation. Sharing it makes them feel inadequate as protectors, as, says Stosny, does a wife's long-term grief. 'Men in general cannot bear to see their wives distressed or depressed, especially when it goes on for a while,' he says. 'They can handle short-term, acute problems where they can respond like heroes, but over the long haul, they are not so good at nursing.'"
Antichrist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Antichrist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Armilus is an anti-messiah figure from late period Jewish eschatology. He is described as bald, partially maimed, and partially deaf.[30]"
Antichrist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Antichrist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Bernard McGinn described multiple traditions detailing the relationship between the Antichrist and Satan. In the dualist approach, Satan will become incarnate in the Antichrist, just as God became incarnate in Jesus. However, in orthodox Christian thought, this view was problematic because it was too similar to Christ's incarnation. Instead, the 'indwelling' view became more accepted. It stipulates that the Antichrist is a human figure inhabited by Satan, since the latter’s power is not to be seen as equivalent to God’s.[27]
Several American evangelical and fundamentalist theologians, including Cyrus Scofield, have identified the Antichrist as being in league with (or the same as) several figures in the Book of Revelation including the Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Whore of Babylon.[28] Others, for example, Rob Bell, reject the identification of the Antichrist with any one person or group. They believe a loving Christ would not view anyone as an enemy.[29] Technically seen the antichrist is John's prophecy of an other religion that would spring up out of the old one, exactly and explicitly negating what Christ in the perception of christians is. As John said: He who does not believe Christ came into the flesh as Son of God, is the antichrist."
Several American evangelical and fundamentalist theologians, including Cyrus Scofield, have identified the Antichrist as being in league with (or the same as) several figures in the Book of Revelation including the Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Whore of Babylon.[28] Others, for example, Rob Bell, reject the identification of the Antichrist with any one person or group. They believe a loving Christ would not view anyone as an enemy.[29] Technically seen the antichrist is John's prophecy of an other religion that would spring up out of the old one, exactly and explicitly negating what Christ in the perception of christians is. As John said: He who does not believe Christ came into the flesh as Son of God, is the antichrist."
Second Coming of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Second Coming of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Judaismis sometimes against the idea of his Second Coming. Many Jews believe that Jesus failed to fulfill specific Messianic prophecies. They often claim that, among other things, Jesus' death and failure to redeem the world[citation needed] after his first coming are proof that he could not be the Messiah. Rabbi David Wolpe believes that the Second Coming was 'grown out of genuine disappointment' and invented by Christians to theologically compensate for Jesus' death.[55]"
Second Coming of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Second Coming of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The Second Coming or Advent of the Christ is not in a physical body,[39] but in the new soul body of each individual in the etheric region of the planet[40] where man 'shall be caught up IN THE CLOUDS to meet the Lord IN THE AIR.'[41] The 'day and hour' when this event shall be, as described in the Bible, is not in the human knowledge domain.[42]"
Going to Heaven May 21? Atheists offer to take care of your pets | News To Me with George Mathis
Going to Heaven May 21? Atheists offer to take care of your pets News To Me with George Mathis: "The folks that will tend to Christians’ four-legged friends are Centre’s chosen ones. They love animals and don’t love Jesus.
“These are people not likely to be Raptured under any circumstances,” Bart said in The Washington Post. “Not that we think anybody is going anywhere anyway, which we make perfectly clear on our website.”
Business isn’t exactly booming, but he does get a lot of phone calls from atheists looking for work and Christians who say Jesus would never make the devout leave their pets behind.
“God didn’t take care of the animals during the flood,” says Centre, who does not believe in God or Biblical floods"
“These are people not likely to be Raptured under any circumstances,” Bart said in The Washington Post. “Not that we think anybody is going anywhere anyway, which we make perfectly clear on our website.”
Business isn’t exactly booming, but he does get a lot of phone calls from atheists looking for work and Christians who say Jesus would never make the devout leave their pets behind.
“God didn’t take care of the animals during the flood,” says Centre, who does not believe in God or Biblical floods"
Ethical Principles
Ethical Principles: "Members of the Emory community in positions of authority carry a particular obligation to exercise care and compassion, and appropriately confidential or personal information must be safeguarded."
Ethical Principles
Ethical Principles: "Members of Emory are expected to strive for the highest degree of integrity. The University’s resources, both natural and fiscal, are entrusted to us for the common good and for future generations; the University and we its members are expected to exercise wise stewardship over these resources and to guard against their misappropriation or misuse. All conflicts of interest and of commitment are to be promptly addressed, and all possible steps are to be taken to eliminate the conflicts or to manage them to ensure that they do not undermine the integrity of our institution or ourselves."
James W. Wagner
James W. Wagner: "Reviving an Emory tradition, President Wagner has delivered the address at each of the baccalaureate services for graduating seniors since his arrival at Emory. An elder in the Presbyterian church (in which his wife, Debbie, is a seasoned professional Christian educator), he has found particularly attractive Emory's blend of rigorous intellectual inquiry and ethical engagement."
James W. Wagner
James W. Wagner: "Along the way, President Wagner has won high marks for rolling up his sleeves and engaging very deeply with faculty, staff, and students-occasionally rehearsing with student a capella groups (he's a former barbershop singer himself), meeting regularly with faculty leadership and departments, and winning approval for his openness to the concerns of faculty and staff."
James W. Wagner
James W. Wagner: "He also has had significant experience in raising funds from private philanthropic sources. All of these notes resonated with the priorities of the institution in 2003."
Monday, May 9, 2011
Can Christian Men Succeed in the Workplace? How to Succeed as a Christian Man at Work
Can Christian Men Succeed in the Workplace? How to Succeed as a Christian Man at Work: "The strongest work ethic you can develop is to imitate Christ. You spend half your waking life on the job, so if you leave Jesus at home when you go out the door, you’re only a part-time Christian. Laws may prevent us from evangelizing in the workplace, but you can’t go wrong if your example is so attractive that others want what you have. At the end of your career, you won’t be carrying your money with you into eternity, but you will be able to take your Christlike character. That’s the real meaning of success."
Can Christian Men Succeed in the Workplace? How to Succeed as a Christian Man at Work
Can Christian Men Succeed in the Workplace? How to Succeed as a Christian Man at Work: "Over the years, my favorite coworkers were the ones I could have a laugh with. Not only does laughing relieve stress, but it improves teamwork. Laughing on the job is not wasting time. It’s keeping work in its proper perspective and treating colleagues like human beings instead of tools. A relaxed group of workers is much more productive than a tense, scared group. If you try to hide your personality on the job and are overly concerned with appearing 'professional,' you’ll only come across as stiff and phony. It’s hard to beat the feeling of coming home from work tired, yet satisfied because you and your coworkers accomplished something worthwhile during the day and had fun doing it."
How Bristol Palin Was Criticized on 'DWTS' Gallery - The Hollywood Reporter
How Bristol Palin Was Criticized on 'DWTS' Gallery - The Hollywood Reporter: "'She accepted the challenge. ...She's willing to put herself out there, and she's in the finals ...The left can't stand this, and her mother's TV show on TLC's getting higher ratings than any cable news network show. They can't stand it. And throughout all of this character assassination, throughout every attempt to destroy this family ...they're laughing, they're smiling, and they're having a good time. They're enjoying life as Alaskans and as Americans. It just ticks [the left] off to no end. And that's what makes it enjoyable,' Rush Limbaugh said on The Rush Limbaugh Show in support of Palin, seen here in the Oct. 11 episode when the season's nine remaining couples danced the Rumba or Argentine Tango in-the-round for the first time in the show's history."
I'm not sure I know what Rush is talking about. I do remember some fussing that the Tea Party were organizing call-in-voting for Bristol Palin. I can see why the left might fuss. It would be unfair to the other celebrity dancers; left, right or in between. That's not character assassination. Not for Bristol anyway from what I saw. In fact, her monkey routine had me wondering if maybe an act of rebellion against her Mother's religious beliefs.
"They're laughing, they're smiling, and they're having a good time."
Again I'm not sure what Rush is talking about. They all were! The Tea Party ...remember....stayed home!
I'm not sure I know what Rush is talking about. I do remember some fussing that the Tea Party were organizing call-in-voting for Bristol Palin. I can see why the left might fuss. It would be unfair to the other celebrity dancers; left, right or in between. That's not character assassination. Not for Bristol anyway from what I saw. In fact, her monkey routine had me wondering if maybe an act of rebellion against her Mother's religious beliefs.
"They're laughing, they're smiling, and they're having a good time."
Again I'm not sure what Rush is talking about. They all were! The Tea Party ...remember....stayed home!
Islam Needs Reformists, Not 'Moderates' -
Islam Needs Reformists, Not 'Moderates' - "I closed by suggesting that moderate Muslims join moderate Jews and Christians in admitting to the nasty side of all our scriptures. The following week, a Muslim acquaintance emailed me. Peeved that I would 'go after moderate Muslims,' she curtly counseled me to 'wash laundry in the backyard'—that is, to discuss our internal affairs privately."
Emory University Mission Statement
The University, founded by the Methodist Episcopal Church, cherishes its historical affiliation with the United Methodist Church. While Emory's programs are today entirely nonsectarian (except for those at the Candler School of Theology), the University has derived from this heritage the conviction that education can be a strong moral force in both society and the lives of its individual members.
University Mission Statement: "While being a comprehensive research university, Emory limits its academic scope to those fields in which, by virtue of its history and location, it can excel. Hence its academic programs focus on the arts and sciences, business, law, theology, and the health professions. These disciplines are unified by their devotion to liberal learning; by cooperative interdisciplinary programs; and by the common pursuit of intellectual distinction."
Word Origin & History
mid-14c., from O.Fr. theologie "philosophical treatment of Christian doctrine" (14c.), from L. theologia, from Gk. theologia "an account of the gods," from theologos "one discoursing on the gods," from theos "god" (see Thea) + -logos "treating of."
"Theology moves back and forth between two poles, the eternal truth of its foundations and the temporal situation in which the eternal truth must be received." [Paul Tillich, "Systematic Theology," 1951]
University Mission Statement: "While being a comprehensive research university, Emory limits its academic scope to those fields in which, by virtue of its history and location, it can excel. Hence its academic programs focus on the arts and sciences, business, law, theology, and the health professions. These disciplines are unified by their devotion to liberal learning; by cooperative interdisciplinary programs; and by the common pursuit of intellectual distinction."
Word Origin & History
mid-14c., from O.Fr. theologie "philosophical treatment of Christian doctrine" (14c.), from L. theologia, from Gk. theologia "an account of the gods," from theologos "one discoursing on the gods," from theos "god" (see Thea) + -logos "treating of."
"Theology moves back and forth between two poles, the eternal truth of its foundations and the temporal situation in which the eternal truth must be received." [Paul Tillich, "Systematic Theology," 1951]
Sunday, May 8, 2011
US preacher warns end of the world is nigh: 21 May, around 6pm, to be precise - Americas, World - The Independent
US preacher warns end of the world is nigh: 21 May, around 6pm, to be precise - Americas, World - The Independent: "Every day Mr Camping, an 89-year-old former civil engineer, speaks to his followers via the Family Radio Network, a religious broadcasting organisation funded entirely by donations from listeners. Such is their generosity (assets total $120m) that his network now owns 66 stations in the US alone."
Cheerleader must compensate school that told her to clap 'rapist' - Americas, World - The Independent
Cheerleader must compensate school that told her to clap 'rapist' - Americas, World - The Independent: "HS and her parents instructed lawyers to pursue a compensation claim against the principal and the School District in early 2009. Their lawsuit argued that HS's right to exercise free expression had been violated when she was instructed to applaud her attacker. But two separate courts ruled against her, deciding that a cheerleader freely agrees to act as a 'mouthpiece' for a institution and therefore surrenders her constitutional right to free speech. In September last year, a federal appeals court upheld those decisions and announced that HS must also reimburse the school sistrict $45,000, for filing a 'frivolous' lawsuit against it."
Mothers We Could Save -
Mothers We Could Save - "“I was happy when she became pregnant,” said her husband, Muhammad Isse, who tends a herd of 13 camels with his family. “I was very happy, because I had faith in God.”"
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Titanic vs. Lusitania: Time Determined Who Survived | LiveScience
Titanic vs. Lusitania: Time Determined Who Survived LiveScience: "The time people have during survival situations might affect whether they behave selfishly or socially. Examining two shipwrecks, the Titanic and the Lusitania, researchers recently found the longer passengers had to react to the disaster, the more likely they were to follow social mores. The less time, the more selfishly passengers behaved.
The result: It was every man for himself aboard the rapidly sinking Lusitania, and so the fittest were the most likely to survive that accident. During the lengthy Titanic shipwreck, women in their reproductive years were the most likely to make it, while men of the same age had a lower probability of surviving."
The result: It was every man for himself aboard the rapidly sinking Lusitania, and so the fittest were the most likely to survive that accident. During the lengthy Titanic shipwreck, women in their reproductive years were the most likely to make it, while men of the same age had a lower probability of surviving."
Will the 'Age of America' end in 2016? -
Will the 'Age of America' end in 2016? - "But, as the saying goes, statistics are often used like a drunken man uses a lamp-post -- for support rather than illumination."
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Michael Vick returns to prison, lockout update, Kevin Kolb rumors - Peter King -
Michael Vick returns to prison, lockout update, Kevin Kolb rumors - Peter King - "He appears to be on his way to changing his life. But time will tell if the change can stick. I just know if I were being told every day how wonderful I am -- not once, but 300 times -- my wife telling me to take the recycling out might fall on deaf ears."
Friday, March 25, 2011
Hispanic population surges in 2010 Census, topping 50 million - WXOW News 19 La Crosse, WI – News, Weather and Sports |
Hispanic population surges in 2010 Census, topping 50 million - WXOW News 19 La Crosse, WI – News, Weather and Sports : "'And people of Hispanic origin now clearly represent the second largest group in the country, with 16 percent of the total U.S. population.'"
Friday, February 25, 2011
Georgia lawmaker proposes classifying miscarriages as ‘prenatal murder’ - Yahoo! News
Georgia lawmaker proposes classifying miscarriages as ‘prenatal murder’ - Yahoo! News: "Franklin's online bio also states that he 'has been called 'the conscience of the Republican Caucus' because he believes that civil government should return to its biblically and constitutionally defined role.' The present legislation would hold women women legally responsible for the health and well-being of a fetus from 'the moment of conception'-- weeks before modern pregnancy testing can accurately determine whether or not a woman is pregnant. So it seems to follow that Franklin believes government's 'biblically and constitutionally defined role' is to hold women criminally liable for nature taking its course in the early days of a pregnancy."
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Haunted by Rumors in the Hollywood Hills - Yahoo! Real Estate
Haunted by Rumors in the Hollywood Hills - Yahoo! Real Estate: ". According to Klug, the owner of the home (music executive Timothy Devine), '... wants to get out of the real estate business and wants to get back to music.'"
Monday, February 7, 2011
Jury finds New York TV executive guilty of murder for wife's beheading -
Jury finds New York TV executive guilty of murder for wife's beheading - "After a three-week trial and one hour of deliberations, an upstate New York jury on Monday found Muzzammil 'Mo' Hassan guilty of second-degree murder for beheading his wife."
Second degree!
Isaiah 9:6 - Passage Lookup - New International Version, ©2010 -
googled ~(6!9)~ wanted to see what came up. A symbol I came up with trying to imitate the singer, Prince, who attempted to have his name changed to a symbol.
Thought it would be fun to create one for me.
So what does it mean?'s really a little bit of everything.
It going to sound like it's all about me. And it is. The truth:
From the first day when we take our first breath, up until the day we die, after all has been said and done; the bottom line always ends up being about ourselves. We start off as one little cell; a round one, a dot, speck, spot morula, blastosphere, shape shifter, etc.
Eventually a fetus.... yes! Alive...yes! A life...yes! But what about a soul; when not even a name, no one yet aware?
As apposed to, "when does life begin; WHEN does one have a soul?" At what point does a fetus become that of a human being different than the fetus of any other animal when fathered by men with questionable souls; man believing themselves created in the image of God, a jealous one man makes ~(M.A.D.D.)~.
So what's the big deal about flood here ~(Noah Ark)~ or cities burning down here or maybe it was over there ~(Sodom and Gomorrah)~ when eventually our sun will go dark one day. So......does it really matter when the world will end, when it only has to be the end of a world ........ yours or mine? If only men have souls, then what does it matter when the world will end?
Without an observer, God and time cease to exist; when not one single man alive keeping time as he questions even his own soul.
I really believe there is no such thing as a God that interferes.
Isaiah 9:6 - Passage Lookup - New International Version, ©2010 - "Isaiah 9:6 (New International Version, ©2010)
6 For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
Thought it would be fun to create one for me.
So what does it mean?'s really a little bit of everything.
- A little bit Ying and Yang.
- A little bit Urban dictionary.
- A little bit sexual.
- A little bit quotes.
- A little Pale Blue Dot.
- A little bit numerology.
- A little bit crystal ball.
- A little bit hypocorism.
- A little bit Trinity.
- A little bit of history.
- A whole lot satire.
- Empathy
- Activism
It going to sound like it's all about me. And it is. The truth:
From the first day when we take our first breath, up until the day we die, after all has been said and done; the bottom line always ends up being about ourselves. We start off as one little cell; a round one, a dot, speck, spot morula, blastosphere, shape shifter, etc.
Eventually a fetus.... yes! Alive...yes! A life...yes! But what about a soul; when not even a name, no one yet aware?
As apposed to, "when does life begin; WHEN does one have a soul?" At what point does a fetus become that of a human being different than the fetus of any other animal when fathered by men with questionable souls; man believing themselves created in the image of God, a jealous one man makes ~(M.A.D.D.)~.
So what's the big deal about flood here ~(Noah Ark)~ or cities burning down here or maybe it was over there ~(Sodom and Gomorrah)~ when eventually our sun will go dark one day. So......does it really matter when the world will end, when it only has to be the end of a world ........ yours or mine? If only men have souls, then what does it matter when the world will end?
Without an observer, God and time cease to exist; when not one single man alive keeping time as he questions even his own soul.
I really believe there is no such thing as a God that interferes.
Isaiah 9:6 - Passage Lookup - New International Version, ©2010 - "Isaiah 9:6 (New International Version, ©2010)
6 For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Morse code
Morse code: "You typed:
twisted purple cow
In morse this becomes:
- .-- .. ... - . -.. .--. ..- .-. .--. .-.. . -.-. --- .--"
twisted purple cow
In morse this becomes:
- .-- .. ... - . -.. .--. ..- .-. .--. .-.. . -.-. --- .--"
Morse code
Morse code:
"You typed:
james edward avery
In morse this becomes:
.--- .- -- . ... . -.. .-- .- .-. -.. .- ...- . .-. -.--"
"You typed:
twisted purple cow
In morse this becomes:
- .-- .. ... - . -.. .--. ..- .-. .--. .-.. . -.-. --- .--"
"You typed:
james edward avery
In morse this becomes:
.--- .- -- . ... . -.. .-- .- .-. -.. .- ...- . .-. -.--"
"You typed:
twisted purple cow
In morse this becomes:
- .-- .. ... - . -.. .--. ..- .-. .--. .-.. . -.-. --- .--"
Critical ionization velocity - encyclopedia article about Critical ionization velocity.
Critical ionization velocity - encyclopedia article about Critical ionization velocity.: "Alfvén considered a neutral gas cloud entering the Solar System, and noted that a neutral atom will fall towards the Sun under the influence of gravity, and its kinetic energy will increase. If their motion is random, collisions will cause the gas temperature to rise, so that at a certain distance from the Sun, the gas will ionize. Alfvén writes that the ionization potential of the gas, Vion, occurs when:
that is, at a distance of:
(where ri is the ion distance from the Sun of mass M, m' is the atom weight, Vion is in volts, k is the gravitational constant). Then when the gas becomes ionized, electromagnetic forces come into effect, of which the most important is the magnetic force which is usually greater than the gravitational force which gives rise to a magnetic repulsion from the Sun. In other words, a neutral gas falling from infinity toward the Sun is stopped at a distance ri where it will accumulate, and perhaps condense into planets.
Alfvén found that by taking a gas cloud with an average ionisation voltage of 12V, and average atomic weight of 7, then the distance ri is found to coincide with the orbit of Jupiter"
that is, at a distance of:
(where ri is the ion distance from the Sun of mass M, m' is the atom weight, Vion is in volts, k is the gravitational constant). Then when the gas becomes ionized, electromagnetic forces come into effect, of which the most important is the magnetic force which is usually greater than the gravitational force which gives rise to a magnetic repulsion from the Sun. In other words, a neutral gas falling from infinity toward the Sun is stopped at a distance ri where it will accumulate, and perhaps condense into planets.
Alfvén found that by taking a gas cloud with an average ionisation voltage of 12V, and average atomic weight of 7, then the distance ri is found to coincide with the orbit of Jupiter"
Critical ionization velocity - encyclopedia article about Critical ionization velocity.
Critical ionization velocity - encyclopedia article about Critical ionization velocity.: "Critical ionization velocity (CIV, also called Critical velocity, CV) is the relative velocity between a neutral gas and plasma (an ionized gas), at which the neutral gas will start to ionize. If more energy is supplied, the velocity of the atoms or molecules will not exceed the critical ionization velocity until the gas becomes almost fully ionized."
- Roman numeral 104
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Benedict Arnold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Benedict Arnold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Benedict Arnold V (January 14, 1741 [O.S. January 3, 1740][1][2] – June 14, 1801) was a general during the American Revolutionary War. He began the war in the Continental Army but later defected to the British Army. While he was still a general on the American side, he obtained command of the fort at West Point, New York, and plotted unsuccessfully to surrender it to the British. After the plot was exposed in September 1780, he entered the British Army as a brigadier general."
Youth wins as Nebraskan takes Miss America crown - News - Yahoo! TV
Youth wins as Nebraskan takes Miss America crown - News - Yahoo! TV: "Miss Arkansas Alyse Eady won $25,000 as first runner-up, while Miss Hawaii Jalee Fuselier won $20,000 for third place.
Scanlan, a recent high school graduate from the western Nebraska town of Gering, planned to study American politics at Patrick Henry College in Virginia after her reign as Miss America. Scanlan said she planned to defer her university enrollment until she finishes her reign with the crown."
Scanlan, a recent high school graduate from the western Nebraska town of Gering, planned to study American politics at Patrick Henry College in Virginia after her reign as Miss America. Scanlan said she planned to defer her university enrollment until she finishes her reign with the crown."
Youth wins as Nebraskan takes Miss America crown - News - Yahoo! TV
Youth wins as Nebraskan takes Miss America crown - News - Yahoo! TV: "Scanlan captured the hearts of seven judges after a night of playing the piano, walking across a Las Vegas stage in a white gown and black bikini, and saying security trumps the public's right to knowledge when it comes to government leaks.
She said she'll register to vote as an independent after turning 18 next month, and work toward her goals by going to law school and perhaps becoming a prosecutor, then judge."
She said she'll register to vote as an independent after turning 18 next month, and work toward her goals by going to law school and perhaps becoming a prosecutor, then judge."
Helena Bonham Carter's Bizarre Red Carpet Style - 68th Annual Golden Globes on omg! on Yahoo!
Helena Bonham Carter's Bizarre Red Carpet Style - 68th Annual Golden Globes on omg! on Yahoo!: "Leave it to Helena Bonham Carter to make a sartorial statement.
The eccentric British actress -- known for her whimsical, theatrical wardrobe -- outdid herself at this year's Globes, sporting a kooky Vivienne Westwood dress, one red shoe, and one green shoe. As you can see, the frock is a headache-inducing explosion of black lace and clashing prints.
Bonham Carter -- who's up for a Best Supporting Actress Globe for her role in 'The King's Speech' -- wore a black lace headpiece and black sunglasses to top off the look;"
The eccentric British actress -- known for her whimsical, theatrical wardrobe -- outdid herself at this year's Globes, sporting a kooky Vivienne Westwood dress, one red shoe, and one green shoe. As you can see, the frock is a headache-inducing explosion of black lace and clashing prints.
Bonham Carter -- who's up for a Best Supporting Actress Globe for her role in 'The King's Speech' -- wore a black lace headpiece and black sunglasses to top off the look;"
Saturday, January 15, 2011
McDonald's employee fired for letting Peterson use the restroom - Shutdown Corner - NFL - Yahoo! Sports
McDonald's employee fired for letting Peterson use the restroom - Shutdown Corner - NFL - Yahoo! Sports: "ShareretweetEmailPrintFri Jan 14 04:18pm EST
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Associated Press: On shootings and politics, Palin has her own rules
The Associated Press: On shootings and politics, Palin has her own rules: "Some saw Palin's video as a sign she's eager to challenge Obama. She twice referred to America as 'exceptional.' That's a favorite word of conservatives who say the president refuses to acknowledge the nation's well-earned prominence."
The Associated Press: On shootings and politics, Palin has her own rules
The Associated Press: On shootings and politics, Palin has her own rules: "'Especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding,' she said, 'journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn.'
The term 'blood libel' raised eyebrows. While the phrase 'has become part of the English parlance to refer to someone being falsely accused,' said Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League, it is 'fraught with pain in Jewish history.'
The term is associated with centuries-old claims that Jews killed Christian children for rituals. Some Jewish lawmakers felt Palin's comments were especially ill-advised because Giffords is Jewish."
The term 'blood libel' raised eyebrows. While the phrase 'has become part of the English parlance to refer to someone being falsely accused,' said Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League, it is 'fraught with pain in Jewish history.'
The term is associated with centuries-old claims that Jews killed Christian children for rituals. Some Jewish lawmakers felt Palin's comments were especially ill-advised because Giffords is Jewish."
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A Fish Called Wanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Fish Called Wanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "A Fish Called Wanda is a 1988 crime-comedy film written by John Cleese and Charles Crichton, directed by Crichton and an uncredited Cleese, and starring Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, and Michael Palin. The film is about a jewel heist and its aftermath."
Monday, January 10, 2011
Tom DeLay, former House majority leader, sentenced to three years in prison -
Tom DeLay, former House majority leader, sentenced to three years in prison - "DeLay was found guilty of conspiring in 2002 to use his political action committee to send $190,000 in corporate contributions to the Republican National Committee, which then sent the money to candidates for the Texas House. That year, the Republicans gained control of the state legislature for the first time since Reconstruction. That new majority then redrew Texas congressional districts in a way that favored the Republicans. In the next election, 2004, Republicans defeated five Democratic incumbents in the US House.
So even as DeLay contemplates prison, he still takes pride in his political achievements; he insists he did nothing wrong. During his political life, DeLay has always been a bold partisan – his nickname was “The Hammer,” for his ability to enforce party discipline – and not one to shy away from the limelight.
In fall of 2009, DeLay competed in the ninth season of “Dancing with the Stars,” but had to drop out due to an injury. If DeLay winds up behind bars, perhaps he will dust off his dancing shoes and give a few lessons."
So even as DeLay contemplates prison, he still takes pride in his political achievements; he insists he did nothing wrong. During his political life, DeLay has always been a bold partisan – his nickname was “The Hammer,” for his ability to enforce party discipline – and not one to shy away from the limelight.
In fall of 2009, DeLay competed in the ninth season of “Dancing with the Stars,” but had to drop out due to an injury. If DeLay winds up behind bars, perhaps he will dust off his dancing shoes and give a few lessons."
Too much TV time may hurt your heart -
Too much TV time may hurt your heart - "Changes in the body caused by sitting may not be the only factor at work. Studies have shown that people eat more unhealthy snacks while they watch TV and are more likely to be exposed to ads for junk food. 'My intuition tells me that it's more likely that it's sitting, but we don't have hard evidence yet to support either of the two explanations,' Stamatakis says."
Too much TV time may hurt your heart -
Too much TV time may hurt your heart - "The study doesn't prove that watching TV or playing computer games is inherently unhealthy, says the lead researcher, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Ph.D., an epidemiologist at University College London, in the U.K. The real culprit may be what people tend to do during those activities: sit.
Why is sitting harmful? It's not entirely clear, but animal studies have shown that prolonged sitting slows down the action of an enzyme (lipoprotein lipase) that breaks down fats in the blood, such as cholesterol and triglycerides. When the enzyme activity slows, levels of those substances climb. This is a 'very plausible explanation' for the findings, Stamatakis says."
Why is sitting harmful? It's not entirely clear, but animal studies have shown that prolonged sitting slows down the action of an enzyme (lipoprotein lipase) that breaks down fats in the blood, such as cholesterol and triglycerides. When the enzyme activity slows, levels of those substances climb. This is a 'very plausible explanation' for the findings, Stamatakis says."
Gallery | Photos of the Week, Dec 31, 2010- Jan 7 2011 |
Gallery Photos of the Week, Dec 31, 2010- Jan 7 2011 "DADDY SURPRISE--U.S. Army Spc. Wes Helmich kisses his daughter, 3-year-old Madison Helmich, as she plays with a patch from his uniform during a surprise visit Thursday, Jan. 6, 2011, at Educational Day Care Center in Jacksonville, Ill. It was the first time in about seven months Madison had seen her father, who is on leave from serving in Afghanistan. AP Photo Jacksonville Journal-Courier, Robert Leistra"
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Faith,Science and Reason: The Three Are incompatible...aren't they? - Patriot Action Network
Faith,Science and Reason: The Three Are incompatible...aren't they? - Patriot Action Network: "'The Bible, and it alone, with nothing added to it nor taken away from it by man, is the sole and sufficient guide for each individual, at all times and in all circumstances…For faith in the divinity and work of Christ is the gift of God, and the evidence of this faith is obedience to the commandment of Christ.'"
Faith,Science and Reason: The Three Are incompatible...aren't they? - Patriot Action Network
Faith,Science and Reason: The Three Are incompatible...aren't they? - Patriot Action Network: "'Knowing God without knowing our own wretchedness engenders pride. Knowing our own wretchedness without knowing God engenders despair.'"
Wikimedia blog » Blog Archive » What’s in a name? In the case of ‘wiki’, lots of things.
Wikimedia blog » Blog Archive » What’s in a name? In the case of ‘wiki’, lots of things.: "Anyone who’s been watching the news will have heard about Wikileaks by now. Wikipedia shares the generic “wiki-” prefix in its name, but there’s no relation. Occasionally even major news sources like the BBC get this wrong, which can lead to serious confusion, even when it’s quickly fixed.
If anyone has a claim to the word “wiki”, it would be the Hawaiian people. In the Hawaiian language, wiki means “quick”."
If anyone has a claim to the word “wiki”, it would be the Hawaiian people. In the Hawaiian language, wiki means “quick”."
How Self-Aware Are You? (No, Really...) | MyEVT
How Self-Aware Are You? (No, Really...) MyEVT: "It's important to recognize the need for self-awareness. That starts with making it an explicit organizational value. It needs to be reflected in the organization's culture and also in hiring and selecting only those leaders who demonstrate humility (ego in check), as well as a strong willingness to seek knowledge about themselves, and who aren't afraid to say they value self-awareness. Those qualities at least unlock the door for more development."
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Check Out Valerie Bertinelli's Blue Wedding Dress - The Famous - omg! on Yahoo
"'I could have spent the rest of my life with Tom and not be married, but I wanted to call him 'my husband. I really wanted to share how I feel about Tom with the people I love.'"
If you even care, to try understanding someone's depression/anger; then here an exercise that might help explain some, although not all of them. Hopefully explaining one senario, you would assume we could explain each and everyone of them, without forcing us to each and every time you couldn't.
Altough a tired old drama queen to the pretty headless gay boys believing I'm bitter; still a good old country boy not afraid to show his face, even while admitting a line saved in his heart for only one day with someone special:
"With each day I love you more."
Without a facepic, not sure I would even call them pretty; the face can be a pretty good equalizer, coming in handy as well.
New revelations about slaves and slave trade -
New revelations about slaves and slave trade - "Most students of American history understand that a dramatic re-peopling of North and South America began in the years after Christopher Columbus first landed in the New World. But they may not realize that it was Africa, not Europe, that formed the wellspring of this repopulation process.
In the 3¼ centuries between 1492 and about 1820, four enslaved Africans left the Old World for every European. During those years, Africans comprised the largest forced oceanic migration in the history of the world. Who were they? Who organized the slaving voyages? Which parts of Africa did they come from? How did they reach the Americas? And where exactly did they go?"
In the 3¼ centuries between 1492 and about 1820, four enslaved Africans left the Old World for every European. During those years, Africans comprised the largest forced oceanic migration in the history of the world. Who were they? Who organized the slaving voyages? Which parts of Africa did they come from? How did they reach the Americas? And where exactly did they go?"
New revelations about slaves and slave trade -
New revelations about slaves and slave trade - "It is becoming commonplace to claim that there are more slaves in the world today than ever and that large-scale trafficking in people continues. The 'Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade' suggests that such claims tend to obscure the horrors -- unique in human history -- of the Middle Passage from Africa to the Americas. It is indeed hard to imagine circumstances in which any parallel to the transatlantic slave trade could ever happen again."
Texan declared innocent after 30 years in prison - Yahoo! News
"Looking fit and trim in a dark suit, Dupree stood through most of the short hearing, until state district Judge Don Adams told him, 'You're free to go.' One of Dupree's lawyers, Innocence Project Co-Director Barry Scheck, called it 'a glorious day.'
'It's a joy to be free again,' Dupree said.
This latest wait was nothing for Dupree, who was up for parole as recently as 2004. He was set to be released and thought he was going home, until he learned he first would have to attend a sex offender treatment program.
Those in the program had to go through what is known as the 'four R's.' They are recognition, remorse, restitution and resolution, said Jim Shoemaker, who served two years with Dupree in the Boyd Unit south of Dallas.
'He couldn't get past the first part,' said Shoemaker, who drove up from Houston to attend Dupree's hearing.
Shoemaker said he spent years talking to Dupree in the prison recreation yard, and always believed his innocence.
'I got a lot of flak from the guys on the block,' Shoemaker said. 'But I always believed him. He has a quiet, peaceful demeanor.'"
Texan declared innocent after 30 years in prison - Yahoo! News:
'It's a joy to be free again,' Dupree said.
This latest wait was nothing for Dupree, who was up for parole as recently as 2004. He was set to be released and thought he was going home, until he learned he first would have to attend a sex offender treatment program.
Those in the program had to go through what is known as the 'four R's.' They are recognition, remorse, restitution and resolution, said Jim Shoemaker, who served two years with Dupree in the Boyd Unit south of Dallas.
'He couldn't get past the first part,' said Shoemaker, who drove up from Houston to attend Dupree's hearing.
Shoemaker said he spent years talking to Dupree in the prison recreation yard, and always believed his innocence.
'I got a lot of flak from the guys on the block,' Shoemaker said. 'But I always believed him. He has a quiet, peaceful demeanor.'"
Texan declared innocent after 30 years in prison - Yahoo! News:
A Texas man declared innocent Tuesday after 30 years in prison had at least two chances to make parole and be set free — if only he would admit he was a sex offender. But Cornelius Dupree Jr. refused to do so, doggedly maintaining his innocence in a 1979 rape and robbery, in the process serving more time for a crime he didn't commit than any other Texas inmate exonerated by DNA evidence.
"Whatever your truth is, you have to stick with it," Dupree, 51, said Tuesday, minutes after a Dallas judge overturned his conviction.
The Hell Betty Martini Invention
Hell Betty Jo APPLE Martini Contra-Intervention
- One part Ketel One Vodka
- One part Midori Melon Liqueur
- One part Jose Cuervo Margarita Mix
- Rinse out one Martini glass needing dusting.
- Blow dust off one vodka brand and the Midori Liqueur as well.
- Pour the liquids into a cocktail shaker filled with ice after making sure no dead bugs in it.
- Shake well.
- Strain into the prepared glass.
- Needing a taste myself, "This ain't too bad!"
- Gave it to Mother anyway.
- Was suppose to be an apple martini.
- Whatever!
- She just wanted something to help her sleep!
- Seems always wanting me to make her something alcoholic every time we visit, here in Atlanta or there in Arkansas.
- Wonder who makes them for her the other 360 days of the year?
Three ladies from Arkansas, uninvited hillbillies actually, believing they were performing an intervention, when already warned:
"No, no, no! That's not how it works! It was ... ME ... who told them first I had a drug addiction! You can't perform an intervention on top of an intervention! It just doesn't work that way!"
Now what do I do with them while they are here? Why was it me who had to find them a motel to stay New Years Eve weekend? Why was it me who had to take them out to eat while they were here? To a show at Tara Theater Cinema? Shopping? Etc., etc., etc.. The whole time recoiling from them like Count Dracula would have, having been evicted from his castle broad daylight but worse: Wasn't evicted but having to deal with them freaking out over the sight of me doing meth just to be sociable while they were here.
Jesus Fucking Christ hanging around around such three lovely ladies neck; high, high, high, high on nothing more than a dope on a rope.
Jesus Fucking Christ hanging around around such three lovely ladies neck; high, high, high, high on nothing more than a dope on a rope.
An expensive meth addiction made worse dealing with cheap hillbilly's placebo addictions.
You will find a fabulous green drink in this Melon Ball Drop that features Midori melon liqueur. That lovely liqueur is paired with a citrus vodka and an elderflower liqueur, which St. Germain is a great and possibly the only option for most people. So the Melon Ball Drop has a lot of fruitiness and a little herbalness offset by a sweet sugar rim and a melon garnish, all of which combine for a very interesting martini-style drink.
Exculpate | Define Exculpate at
Exculpate Define Exculpate at "World English Dictionary
exculpate (ˈɛkskʌlˌpeɪt, ɪkˈskʌlpeɪt)
— vb
( tr ) to free from blame or guilt; vindicate or exonerate
[C17: from Medieval Latin exculpāre, from Latin ex- 1 + culpāre to blame, from culpa fault, blame]
— adj
— n
— adj"
exculpate (ˈɛkskʌlˌpeɪt, ɪkˈskʌlpeɪt)
— vb
( tr ) to free from blame or guilt; vindicate or exonerate
[C17: from Medieval Latin exculpāre, from Latin ex- 1 + culpāre to blame, from culpa fault, blame]
— adj
— n
— adj"
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Ex-senator reverses opposition to gays in military - Yahoo! News
Ex-senator reverses opposition to gays in military - Yahoo! News: "While most troops signaled they didn't care if gays served openly, nearly 60 percent of the Marine Corps and Army soldiers in combat arms units predicted problems would arise.
'My suspicions are that the law will be repealed' eventually, Marine Corps Commandant James Amos told a Senate panel. 'All I'm asking is the opportunity to do that at a time and choosing when my Marines are not singularly tightly focused on what they're doing in a very deadly environment.'
Nunn said in the interview that he was swayed by the chiefs' testimony that repeal could be done as long as the Pentagon had enough time to prepare.
'That's a huge change' since 1993, he said. 'I think that makes a big difference in perceptions of fairness and legitimacy in the law.'"
'My suspicions are that the law will be repealed' eventually, Marine Corps Commandant James Amos told a Senate panel. 'All I'm asking is the opportunity to do that at a time and choosing when my Marines are not singularly tightly focused on what they're doing in a very deadly environment.'
Nunn said in the interview that he was swayed by the chiefs' testimony that repeal could be done as long as the Pentagon had enough time to prepare.
'That's a huge change' since 1993, he said. 'I think that makes a big difference in perceptions of fairness and legitimacy in the law.'"
Warren Buffett's Anti-Nuclear-Weapons Plan: Will It Work? - Yahoo! News
Warren Buffett's Anti-Nuclear-Weapons Plan: Will It Work? - Yahoo! News: "The U.S. and its allies, as well as many Arab nations, don't believe this claim; a broad consensus exists that Iran is determined to achieve at least the capability to develop nuclear weapons. The Obama White House sees an international fuel bank as a way to call Tehran's bluff. In speeches outlining his nonproliferation agenda, Obama has argued for supporting nuclear programs in countries that forswear bombmaking and domestic enrichment. 'That must be the right of every nation that renounces nuclear weapons, especially developing countries embarking on peaceful programs,' Obama said in an April 2009 speech in Prague. In an address in Cairo two months later, Obama specifically cited Tehran: 'Any nation - including Iran - should have the right to access peaceful nuclear power,' he said"
Warren Buffett's Anti-Nuclear-Weapons Plan: Will It Work? - Yahoo! News
Warren Buffett's Anti-Nuclear-Weapons Plan: Will It Work? - Yahoo! News: "'I got interested in this in the 1950s,' Buffett says. 'I was never any star at physics, but when the first atomic bomb was detonated, I was delivering the Washington Post newspapers describing it. And when Einstein came out a few days later and said, 'This changes everything,' I knew it was important.'"
Report: Virus, fungus new suspects in bee disease - Yahoo! News
Report: Virus, fungus new suspects in bee disease - Yahoo! News: "Robert Cramer, a pathologist at Montana State University in Bozeman said, 'There seems to be a correlation between the presence of these two pathogens together. We envision the bee gets an infection from one or the other, and this causes the bees to become stressed, which then allows the second infection to come in and more effectively cause disease.'"
Monday, January 3, 2011
Family mourns Lilburn man killed by celebratory gunfire; 2 men arrested |
Family mourns Lilburn man killed by celebratory gunfire; 2 men arrested "Last week, state Sen. Gloria Butler, D-Stone Mountain, introduced a resolution in the Senate to raise awareness about celebratory gunfire. The resolution asks state lawmakers to study and adopt tougher criminal penalties for those who cause injury or death."
Search for clues is on after birds fall from sky in Arkansas -
"In the middle of the New Year revelry, as many as 3,000 red-winged blackbirds, common grackles, and European starlings – which often flock together in winter – rained out of the skies, a seemingly Hitchcock-esque phenomenon that scared local residents and prompted concerns about a possible toxic event.
'This was very traumatic for a lot of people. It was very scary,' says Arkansas state ornithologist Karen Rowe, talking via cellphone while on her way to ship the birds' bodies to an ornithology lab at the University of Wisconson-Madison. 'There were a lot of people who ... witnessed the birds falling from the sky, and since it was New Year's Eve night, it lent some questions to whether there was foul play.'"
The Arkansas bird mystery seemed especially freaky because it happened all at once and on a night when large numbers of people were outside watching fireworks or traveling home from New Year's Eve parties. Dead birds littered roads, front yards, and rooftops.
Adding to the mystery is an apparent fish kill 125 miles away in the same state. A day before the bird die-off, a tugboat operator near Ozark, Ark., spotted thousands of dead drum fish floating in the Arkansas River. Biologists say the two events are probably not related and suggest that the fish kill – a much more common event than a bird rain – is likely linked to a disease that affected only one species.
"If there's any real hope of the mystery being solved, it's contained within the bodies of the birds," says Rowe. "There is a potential that [labs] might not find what happened, which is a reminder that mother nature has a way of letting us know who's in charge, by giving us these little mysteries."
Searching the web for anything red-wing, hoping equally effective with the wandering eyes of public in general:
"Every room needs a splash of color to surprise the eye."
~ my mother~
"You don't think Civil Rights and GAY RIGHTS are the SAME THING do you?
~ okay for black technician refusing even a chance explaining why they were the same~
"ALRIGHT! Getting close to using the "N" word!"
~in role of Veterinarian~
(Having sensed condescension from same tech, debate having been cut short)
(Having sensed condescension from same tech, debate having been cut short)
Believed the one causing trouble when wanting relative to expand on statement made at family gatherings:
"I don't care how educated a black man; he's still a nigger."
(my mother believing civil debate not appropriate dinner conversation between children at the table)
"I agree!"
~Aunt from Texas~
(same statement, same sibling, this time meeting approval and endorsement by a close sister of mother, Cousins enjoying a Lake house view 4th of July Weekend. Mother believing civil debate not appropriately paired with Arkansan hospitality either.)
More Than 1,000 Dead Birds Fall From Sky In Arkansas
More Than 1,000 Dead Birds Fall From Sky In Arkansas: "BEEBE, Ark. — Environmental service workers finished picking up the carcasses on Sunday of about 2,000 red-winged blackbirds that fell dead from the sky in a central Arkansas town."
Tea Party Republicans Vow to Attack Deficit Spending 'Once and for All' in Next Session -
Tea Party Republicans Vow to Attack Deficit Spending 'Once and for All' in Next Session -
"Tea Party Republicans Vow to Attack Deficit Spending 'Once and for All' in Next Session"
Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let me take a wild guess.
Positive results will not happen before next election even if feasibly possible by raising taxes just on the wealthy or eliminating loopholes for the wealthy. Even believed they can be blamed for failure as the Democrats weren't helpful although too fractured to be the "party of no!"
Republican Party or anyone having unashamedly voted Republican, the party of hysteria over anything even remotely considered evidence (even if only their opinion) as justification for their actions.
"Tea Party Republicans Vow to Attack Deficit Spending 'Once and for All' in Next Session"
Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let me take a wild guess.
Positive results will not happen before next election even if feasibly possible by raising taxes just on the wealthy or eliminating loopholes for the wealthy. Even believed they can be blamed for failure as the Democrats weren't helpful although too fractured to be the "party of no!"
Republican Party or anyone having unashamedly voted Republican, the party of hysteria over anything even remotely considered evidence (even if only their opinion) as justification for their actions.
The diagnosis of drunkenn, Jane Grey Swisshelm |
"The diagnosis of drunkenness was that it was a disease for which the patient was in no way responsible, that it was created by existing saloons, and non-existing bright hearths, smiling wives, pretty caps and aprons. The cure was the patent nostrum of pledge-signing, a lying-made-easy invention, which like calomel, seldom had any permanent effect on the disease for which it was given, and never failed to produce another and a worse. Here the care created an epidemic of forgery, falsehood and perjury. "
The diagnosis of drunkenn, Jane Grey Swisshelm
The diagnosis of drunkenn, Jane Grey Swisshelm
Nostrum | Define Nostrum at
Nostrum Define Nostrum at "nos·trum
1. a medicine sold with false or exaggerated claims and with no demonstrable value; quack medicine.
2. a scheme, theory, device, etc., esp. one to remedy social or political ills; panacea.
3. a medicine made by the person who recommends it.
4. a patent medicine.
1595–1605; < L nostrum our, ours (neut. sing. of noster ); referring to the seller's calling the drug “our” drug Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011.
Cite This Source Link To nostrum"
1. a medicine sold with false or exaggerated claims and with no demonstrable value; quack medicine.
2. a scheme, theory, device, etc., esp. one to remedy social or political ills; panacea.
3. a medicine made by the person who recommends it.
4. a patent medicine.
1595–1605; < L nostrum our, ours (neut. sing. of noster ); referring to the seller's calling the drug “our” drug Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011.
Cite This Source Link To nostrum"
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly....?
Is that linear, circular, or just another opinion?
Please do comment!
Even better, back up you comment with your full name. Adds a backbone, don't you think? Personally, do believe I know the answer this question, but have not verified with an expert. Want to hear your opinion first, not just from those who disagree anonymously after having posted mine. If family and friends have been reading my blog as I'm being told; over time, only fair to believe you lied. Will not hold it against anyone not commenting on a blog entry or even reading it altogether; just liars wanting cake and eating it too.
Please do comment!
Even better, back up you comment with your full name. Adds a backbone, don't you think? Personally, do believe I know the answer this question, but have not verified with an expert. Want to hear your opinion first, not just from those who disagree anonymously after having posted mine. If family and friends have been reading my blog as I'm being told; over time, only fair to believe you lied. Will not hold it against anyone not commenting on a blog entry or even reading it altogether; just liars wanting cake and eating it too.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Words "viral" and "epic" consigned to college trash - Yahoo! News
'This linguistic disease of a term must be quarantined,' Kuahmel Allah of Los Angeles said in making a nomination."
Words "viral" and "epic" consigned to college trash - Yahoo! News: "'Viral,' often used to describe the rapid spreading of videos or other content over the Internet, leads the list for 2011.
'This linguistic disease of a term must be quarantined,' Kuahmel Allah of Los Angeles said in making a nomination."
Words "viral" and "epic" consigned to college trash - Yahoo! News: "'Viral,' often used to describe the rapid spreading of videos or other content over the Internet, leads the list for 2011.
'This linguistic disease of a term must be quarantined,' Kuahmel Allah of Los Angeles said in making a nomination."
Couldn't help but be amused by this comment on several fronts.
- The not so "real" American name. (important when you consider people voted on the winner.)
- Considering how offended our "proud and full of patriotism" Americans get when hearing language other than English spoken on the legal side of our border with Mexico. (curious! anyone ever heard of an illegal Mexican immigrants being deported because they thought Canada would be a fun place vacation that year? just curious. maybe one day will "GOOGLE" it.)
- Being a phenomena that can have tremendous influence on the directions/outcome of civil debates and even peoples lives. (not all are cute, funny, harmless! Needed a term in order to be discussed and dealt with appropriately.)
- The meaning of the word is never questioned or causing needless confusion!
- No one harmed or offended by the term. (e.g. "That's so GAY.)
In the context of language used, appropriateness, solving any problems of the world........
this years winner was just an exercise in "too much time on their hands."
The behavior, psychology behind what does or does not go "VIRAL" is important! Being sick of hearing something going viral is no reason to ban the word itself.
Does no more good than voting ABORTION a crime.
If Allah, as well as those who voted his nomination the winner, wants a word more acceptable to them as a substitute for this phenomena;
good luck!
It's going to have to go VIRAL first!
Don’t leave learning to the young. Older brains can grow, too. -
"For example, one patient of mine who had been deafened by scarlet fever at the age of 9, was so adept at lip-reading that it was easy to forget she was deaf. Once, without thinking, I turned away from her as I was speaking. “I can no longer hear you,” she said sharply.
“You mean you can no longer see me,” I said.
“You may call it seeing,” she answered, “but I experience it as hearing.”
Lip-reading, seeing mouth movements, was immediately transformed for this patient into “hearing” the sounds of speech in her mind. Her brain was converting one mode of sensation into another.
Don’t leave learning to the young. Older brains can grow, too. -
“You mean you can no longer see me,” I said.
“You may call it seeing,” she answered, “but I experience it as hearing.”
Lip-reading, seeing mouth movements, was immediately transformed for this patient into “hearing” the sounds of speech in her mind. Her brain was converting one mode of sensation into another.
Don’t leave learning to the young. Older brains can grow, too. -
Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare and refers to conflicts in which a small group of combatants including, but not limited to, armed civilians (or "irregulars") use military tactics, such as ambushes, sabotage, raids, the element of surprise, and extraordinary mobility to harass a larger and less-mobile traditional army, or strike a vulnerable target, and withdraw almost immediately.
I have a habit of collecting pictures from the web and using some as desktop wallpaper on home computer. The pic above always being the one brought out of retirement. So why do I like this one so much. To be honest with you, although a veterinarian, not 100% certain the one exposed is male. I am pretty sure I'm 100% gay. About to turn 49 in two weeks, having lived an extremely promiscuous lifestyle without having had or even a desire to have sex with women; feel it justifiable to get extremely angry with anyone agreeable with the idea of my lifestyle an issue of moral by popular vote
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Getting in, thought I had done something right; rewarded for my effort. But it was my first try. Really didn't know who are how many I was competing with or anyone who failed to gain admission. Not until the first day of veterinary school did I learn there was no one I knew from University of Arkansas. Nor was I expecting to see a familiar face. Just took the classes I was suppose to take and did the best I could.
Looking back years later, and I mean really taking a hard, cold honest look at the facts; the math didn't add up right. There were many people I've meet over the years, people who have tried year after year, far more deserving of admission to veterinary school, who should have had my seat in that LSU-SVM Class of 1987 instead. You entered as a class and you graduated as a class; minus those who made less than a C grade any class. Just took one "D" or "F".
The saying went: "C = DVM!"
There were some exceptions made; but those were the rules. Assume threat of lawsuits where the exceptions. Whatever, the bottom line always has something to do with money, even if disguised with words like "quotas', ethnic diversity, of two black girls in my class, pretty obvious from the very didn't deserve to be there).
Looking back years later, and I mean really taking a hard, cold honest look at the facts; the math didn't add up right. There were many people I've meet over the years, people who have tried year after year, far more deserving of admission to veterinary school, who should have had my seat in that LSU-SVM Class of 1987 instead. You entered as a class and you graduated as a class; minus those who made less than a C grade any class. Just took one "D" or "F".
The saying went: "C = DVM!"
There were some exceptions made; but those were the rules. Assume threat of lawsuits where the exceptions. Whatever, the bottom line always has something to do with money, even if disguised with words like "quotas', ethnic diversity, of two black girls in my class, pretty obvious from the very didn't deserve to be there).
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"One thing I like about the Digital age: having the dictionary at my fingertips, how easy it is to look up unfamiliar words as I go along reading."
"At least....... until, I played my first game of SCRABBLE on the internet. Wow! I had no idea you could spell so many words with seven letters every time."
"Now I feel pressured to catch up!"