I consider myself a Democrat. Been called a Socialist. Definitely a bleeding heart liberal.

As a child from a traditional southern family, playing Barrel of Monkeys on the floor, church every Sunday, doing well in public school, learning a trade; in every sense privileged .........

Comfortable in middle age, an avid news reader, on learning the tragic story of a full grown chimpanzee destroying the face of a woman who offered a toy, only trying to help it's owner coax her surrogate child back into his cage......

Today being confrontational, ribald, offensive, restless, rebellious.......

How did I get here from there?

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Getting in, thought I had done something right; rewarded for my effort. But it was my first try. Really didn't know who are how many I was competing with or anyone who failed to gain admission. Not until the first day of veterinary school did I learn there was no one I knew from University of Arkansas. Nor was I expecting to see a familiar face. Just took the classes I was suppose to take and did the best I could.

Looking back years later, and I mean really taking a hard, cold honest look at the facts; the math didn't add up right. There were many people I've meet over the years, people who have tried year after year, far more deserving of admission to veterinary school, who should have had my seat in that LSU-SVM Class of 1987 instead. You entered as a class and you graduated as a class; minus those who made less than a C grade any class. Just took one "D" or "F".

The saying went: "C = DVM!"

There were some exceptions made; but those were the rules. Assume threat of lawsuits where the exceptions. Whatever, the bottom line always has something to do with money, even if disguised with words like "quotas', ethnic diversity, of two black girls in my class, pretty obvious from the very didn't deserve to be there).


Anonymous said...

Same thing in my class (0f86). We had two "martians" who didn't belong there. One was caught cheating multiple times but never expelled, and one was so dumb he could never pass the national board. both of them were paid a stipend to attend. this was all common knowledge.they were really nice people, but just really dumb compared to the rest of the class.

Anonymous said...

This is really weird. I had a dream about you the other night. You probably don't remember this, but when we were in vet school, I met you out one night at George's and was so glad to see you. I was in the class ahead of you, and thought I was completely alone gay-wise. It was great to see another vet student there. almost made me feel normal. i had seen you around for years at school and always thought you were really cute. At the bar, you told me that there were others of your kind in school. and some in my class. Since this was the very, very end of my time there, the last thing I wanted to know was who was and wasn't gay. i felt like i knew my classmates too well as it was. I really didn't know there were any others until I saw you there that night. I immediately left the bar. I wish I cold have asked you out, but i was really conflicted. Anyway, that's kinda what the dream was about. I didn't know your name back then, so I googled your class to see if I could find your picture and name. How amazing and bizarre it was to find your blog almost immediately. Hope you are well. I am enjoying reading your blog. My name is Bill

"One thing I like about the Digital age: having the dictionary at my fingertips, how easy it is to look up unfamiliar words as I go along reading." "At least....... until, I played my first game of SCRABBLE on the internet. Wow! I had no idea you could spell so many words with seven letters every time." "Now I feel pressured to catch up!"