I consider myself a Democrat. Been called a Socialist. Definitely a bleeding heart liberal.

As a child from a traditional southern family, playing Barrel of Monkeys on the floor, church every Sunday, doing well in public school, learning a trade; in every sense privileged .........

Comfortable in middle age, an avid news reader, on learning the tragic story of a full grown chimpanzee destroying the face of a woman who offered a toy, only trying to help it's owner coax her surrogate child back into his cage......

Today being confrontational, ribald, offensive, restless, rebellious.......

How did I get here from there?

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Thursday, August 26, 2010


After watching this video, couldn't help but like this guy. Definitely could not villify him.  Except for his wealth, could easily have been your average  boy-next-door; one who's spent his whole life behind walls of an exclusive gated community. Very little to not like about him. 


Likes to have fun, obviously ;  as seen from his perspective, "like being stressed."  Expects his companions to enjoy themselves as well.  Surely they do; even faking orgasms just to be invited back. 

Be stupid for anyone having a bad day to complain, to say no, when invited to join his crowd.  FUN'S EXPENSIVE!  Would be like kissing a lifetime free meal ticket good bye.

Obviously a people person.  Nothing wrong with sharing your good fortune with someone willingly showing you a good time. 
You want to villify him, but it seems he's done nothing wrong; played fairly by the rules.  Just a risk taker, with an eye for opportunity, being in the right place at the right time; blessed by good fortune.

 not knowing where one's..... 
two hundred foot yacht
was parked,
How many homeless people you think that yacht could accomodate while he's having fun elsewhere! 
Oh well,
didn't complain about paying taxes like
your typical American republican or  tea bagger.
Gotta like him for that alone!

(comments posted online)

"In a very violent, crazy time of change in Russia he not only suvived, he succeeded... to that, I say "Mozel!" (Congratulations!).

Thank You, 60 Minutes, for a facinating interview."

Sad, sad , sad giving this mobster a free pass is disgraceful. 
If Al Capone owned a sport francise he would be a featured member of 60 minutes.
Get a new suit too, you look like a stiff.

Rich Russians like to display their wealth (diamonds, cars and homes) bad if they haven?t learn from their own history to help their own citizens and country.

Mr. Prokhorov, I saw you on CBS "60 Minutes". I enoyed the program and admire your "climb" to success, wealth and security. I respect you, Sir. I am an American mother but have recently met some Russian patients being getting some physical help in the place where I work - because of severe handicaps (they have no legs and one totally beautiful young lady also has no arms below her elbow). They will be here only a little longer - and the sadness, in Russia, if they cannot support themselves (I hear) -- and having no one else to support them - they will be put in some sort of "home" in your country which will house them - but I hear tell (and literally "hear tell") that these homes are in great great need of finances (with accountabily) to TAKE CARE of there "residents" in a decent and human way. I personally feel so sad that the three teenagers I have come to love (not know really well, but admire their courage so very much) in the place where I work will (most probably) end up in one of these homes when they go back to your country. I am not saying where I work because I do not want to break any confidentiality...or any possibilties thereof. SO, would you have one of your business people personally (for you) look into these "homes" for adult children who have no PROOF that they can and will be an ASSET to your country --- because I(to my knowledge) they have NO VOICE to defend themselves. Please consider ME their VOICE. I pray you read this email (for a start) ... I pray for a start. Bless you - bless us all,  -Xxxx Xxxxxx, Plano, Texas-.
The Goddess Fortune
is the devil's servant, ready to kiss any one's arse.
-William Blake-
 (1757–1827), British poet, painter, engraver. repr.

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